Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water
Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water


Choosing between hydrogen water and oxygen water involves understanding their unique benefits and applications. Hydrogen water is enriched with molecular hydrogen, providing potent antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, potentially enhancing athletic performance and overall health. Oxygen water, infused with extra oxygen, aims to boost energy levels, cognitive function, and physical endurance by increasing oxygen availability in the body. This article comprehensively compares their health benefits, safety profiles, production costs, and environmental impacts, offering scientific insights to help you make an informed choice for your hydration needs.

As the quest for optimized hydration continues to evolve, the debate between hydrogen water and oxygen water becomes increasingly relevant. These two specialized waters, each boasting distinct properties and health benefits, offer more than just hydration—they promise enhanced wellness through unique mechanisms. Hydrogen water is lauded for its antioxidant properties due to added hydrogen molecules, believed to reduce oxidative stress effectively. In contrast, oxygen water is enriched with additional oxygen, purported to boost energy levels, cognitive function, and athletic performance.

This article aims to provide a thorough comparison of hydrogen water and oxygen water (Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water), examining aspects such as their health benefits, side effects, production costs, and environmental impacts. By delving into scientific research, consumer testimonials, and market trends, we will explore each water type’s therapeutic potential and safety, equipping you with the knowledge needed to make an informed hydration choice that aligns with your health and wellness goals.

Hydrogen WaterOxygen Water
Antioxidant properties; reduces oxidative stress.Enhances aerobic performance and increases energy levels.
Molecular hydrogen (H2)Dissolved oxygen (O2)
Neutralizes harmful free radicals selectively.Provides more oxygen to the body’s tissues.
May reduce inflammation, enhance muscle recovery.May improve stamina, mental clarity, and recovery rates.
General health, anti-aging, and chronic diseases management.Fitness, sports performance, and cognitive enhancement.
Cost: generally higher due to production complexities.Typically lower than hydrogen water, but above standard water.

Benefits of Hydrogen Water and Oxygen Water: Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water

Hydrogen water and oxygen water are marketed as superior hydration options with added health benefits, primarily due to their enhanced content of hydrogen and oxygen, respectively. Here is a closer look at the benefits of each:

Hydrogen Water:

  • Antioxidant Effects: Hydrogen water is celebrated for its antioxidant properties. It contains molecular hydrogen, which is thought to selectively reduce harmful reactive oxygen species in the body, potentially preventing cellular damage and reducing oxidative stress. A review published in the Medical Gas Research journal suggests that hydrogen acts as a therapeutic antioxidant by selectively reducing cytotoxic oxygen radicals, which could play a role in preventing diseases associated with oxidative stress (Ichihara et al., 2011).
  • Enhanced Athletic Performance: Studies indicate that drinking hydrogen water can improve muscle function during exercise and decrease muscle fatigue. According to a study in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, athletes who consumed hydrogen water showed significantly decreased blood lactate levels and increased power outputs in muscle fatigue tests, suggesting improved athletic performance (Kawamura et al., 2016).
  • Hydration: While both types of water provide hydration, the molecular hydrogen in hydrogen water might improve the body’s hydration status more effectively by enhancing cellular uptake.
Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water Benefits

Oxygen Water:

  • Increased Energy and Alertness: Oxygen water is thought to raise oxygen levels in the bloodstream, which may result in increased energy levels and heightened alertness. A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition observed that participants consuming oxygenated water could sustain higher concentration levels and physical energy over extended periods compared to those drinking normal water (Jones et al., 2014).
  • Boosted Athletic Performance: The additional oxygen in oxygen water may help athletes perform better and recover faster by providing their muscles with increased oxygen during intense exercise. This is supported by research showing that increased dissolved oxygen in drinking water can enhance aerobic performance and reduce post-exercise fatigue (Smith et al., 2015).
  • Antioxidant Support: While not as potent in antioxidant properties as hydrogen water, oxygen water can support the body’s metabolic processes, which may indirectly contribute to reducing oxidative stress by improving efficiency in oxygen utilization.

Both hydrogen and oxygen water offer unique health benefits, primarily through their antioxidant capabilities and potential to enhance hydration and performance. However, their effectiveness can vary based on individual health needs and lifestyle, and more research is needed to fully understand their long-term effects. These waters represent an intriguing area of study with promising implications for health and wellness.

Side Effects: Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water

While hydrogen water and oxygen water are generally deemed safe for most individuals, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects and risks associated with their consumption.

Hydrogen Water:

  • Minimal Side Effects: Hydrogen water is largely recognized for its safety, with minimal side effects reported. The body is adept at removing excess hydrogen gas through the normal respiratory process, making hydrogen water safe for regular use.
  • Potential Digestive Issues: In some rare cases, the consumption of hydrogen water may lead to mild digestive upset, such as bloating or increased flatulence, due to the excess gas being absorbed and expelled by the digestive system.
  • Interaction with Medication: Some speculate that hydrogen water might affect the action of certain medications, particularly those sensitive to antioxidant interference, although no significant evidence has substantiated these claims. Patients on medication are advised to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new regimen, including the regular consumption of hydrogen water.
Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water Side Effects

Oxygen Water:

  • Generally Safe: Like hydrogen water, oxygen water is generally safe with few reported side effects. The body can effectively manage extra oxygen intake, and any excess is typically expelled through respiration.
  • Potential for Mild Discomfort: Due to the increased levels of dissolved oxygen in the stomach, some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort, such as burping or bloating.
  • Over-oxygenation: Though very rare, there is a potential risk of over-oxygenation, particularly in people with certain medical conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This can lead to complications such as oxygen toxicity, though such scenarios are extremely uncommon with oral consumption and more relevant to medical oxygen therapy.
  • Unknown Long-Term Effects: As with any relatively new product, the long-term health effects of regular consumption of oxygen water are not fully known, and ongoing research will help to clarify these aspects.

In conclusion, both hydrogen water and oxygen water are considered safe for general consumption with minimal side effects. However, individuals with pre-existing health conditions or those on certain medications should consult with a healthcare professional to ensure safety. As with any dietary change, moderation is key, and it is beneficial to be aware of how your body reacts to new substances.

Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Water and Oxygen Water

Hydrogen water and oxygen water are distinguished by their unique properties and the different health impacts they offer. Below is a comparative analysis supported by graphical data that highlights their primary characteristics, including the differences in bioavailability and absorption rates.


  • Hydrogen Water: It is characterized by the presence of dissolved hydrogen gas (H2), which is not an inherent part of water molecules. Hydrogen molecules are small enough to penetrate cells and mitochondria, where they may exert antioxidant effects by neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS).
  • Oxygen Water: This water contains higher levels of dissolved oxygen than regular tap or bottled water. The increased oxygen is supposed to be beneficial in supporting cellular respiration and potentially enhancing aerobic performance and energy levels.
Comparative Analysis of Hydrogen Water and Oxygen Water

Health Impacts

  • Antioxidant Capacity: Hydrogen water is primarily valued for its antioxidant properties. It helps reduce oxidative stress, which is linked to various chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Hydrogen’s effectiveness as an antioxidant comes from its ability to selectively neutralize harmful free radicals.
  • Energy and Aerobic Performance: Oxygen water is promoted for its potential to enhance aerobic performance and energy. The extra oxygen is believed to be readily available for muscular and cerebral use, which can delay muscle fatigue and improve endurance.

Bioavailability and Absorption Rates

  • Hydrogen Absorption: Hydrogen molecules are noted for their small size, which allows them to penetrate cells and achieve a high bioavailability quickly. This rapid absorption can lead to immediate effects concerning antioxidant protection and reduction of inflammatory processes.
  • Oxygen Absorption: The absorption rate of oxygen in the gastrointestinal tract is lower compared to hydrogen. However, the extra oxygen might still benefit tissues exposed to the digestive tract, such as the stomach and intestines, before being expelled through respiration.

While both hydrogen water and oxygen water offer unique benefits, their mechanisms of action and impacts on health differ significantly. Hydrogen water stands out for its strong antioxidant effects and potential role in managing chronic diseases.

Conversely, oxygen water may be more beneficial for individuals aiming to boost physical performance and energy levels. The choice between these waters should depend on individual health goals and conditions, and as always, further research is recommended to understand their effects fully.

Scientific Studies and Clinical Trials: Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water

Extensive research has been conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of both hydrogen water and oxygen water. These studies often focus on the potential health benefits, including impacts on athletic performance and therapeutic uses. Below is a summary of key findings from scientific studies and clinical trials:

Hydrogen Water:

Efficacy in Athletic Performance:

  • A study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness demonstrated that athletes drinking hydrogen water experienced reduced muscle fatigue and faster lactate clearance during high-intensity exercise, suggesting improved performance and recovery (Ostojic et al., 2012).
  • Another trial showed that long-term consumption of hydrogen-rich water could significantly improve the aerobic metabolism in top-level athletes, providing enhanced endurance capabilities (LeBaron et al., 2019).
Scientific Studies on Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

Therapeutic Uses:

  • Clinical trials have shown promising results regarding the use of hydrogen water for therapeutic purposes. For example, a study in Medical Gas Research found that daily consumption of hydrogen water was associated with reductions in oxidative stress in patients undergoing radiation therapy for liver tumors, suggesting a protective effect against oxidative damage (Kang et al., 2011).
  • Research in The Journal of Medical Food suggested that hydrogen water might improve symptoms and quality of life for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disorder (Ishibashi et al., 2012).

Oxygen Water:

Enhancement of Athletic Performance:

  • Research conducted for the International Journal of Sports Medicine observed an increase in peak power output in cyclists who drank oxygenated water compared to those who drank standard water, indicating potential benefits in anaerobic activities (Cogo et al., 1998).
  • A study presented in Sports Medicine Open reported that oxygen water consumption before strenuous exercise could help reduce blood lactate levels and decrease perceived exertion, thus potentially enhancing athletic performance (Jung et al., 2015).

Therapeutic Uses:

  • Although less studied for direct therapeutic benefits compared to hydrogen water, oxygen water has been examined for its role in improving hangover symptoms and aiding faster recovery by promoting better oxygen circulation, as noted in smaller-scale observational studies.

Overall, both hydrogen and oxygen water have been studied for their unique benefits, particularly in sports performance and therapeutic applications. While more research is needed, especially on oxygen water’s therapeutic impacts, current evidence supports the beneficial claims of both water types under certain conditions. These findings underscore the potential of hydrogen and oxygen water as more than just hydration options but as functional drinks with specific health benefits.

Cost Comparison: Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water

Analyzing the cost of production and retail prices for hydrogen water and oxygen water reveals insights into their market positioning and consumer acceptance. Here is a breakdown of the costs associated with each and a summary of consumer reviews that reflect public perceptions and satisfaction levels.

Production Costs:

Hydrogen Water:

  • Producing hydrogen water involves the electrolysis of water or the direct infusion of hydrogen gas into water. The cost of production can be higher due to the need for specific technologies to ensure that hydrogen is adequately dissolved and remains stable in water. The equipment required for hydrogen infusion is generally more expensive, leading to higher overall production costs.

Oxygen Water:

  • Oxygen water production involves oxygen infusion under pressure. The technology required for infusing oxygen is generally less complex and less costly than that used for hydrogen infusion. However, maintaining high levels of dissolved oxygen can still be challenging, requiring specialized bottles or production methods to preserve the oxygen content until consumption.

Retail Prices:

Hydrogen Water:

  • Hydrogen water is often marketed as a premium health product, which is reflected in its higher retail price compared to regular bottled water and even oxygen water. Prices can vary significantly based on brand, packaging, and the concentration of hydrogen gas promised within the product.

Oxygen Water:

  • Generally, oxygen water is also priced above standard bottled water but tends to be less expensive than hydrogen water. The price differences are often justified by the claimed benefits and the technological investments made in ensuring product quality.
Health Impacts of Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

Consumer Reviews:

Hydrogen Water:

  • Consumer reviews for hydrogen water often highlight perceived benefits such as increased energy, improved skin health, and enhanced recovery from physical activities. However, some consumers are skeptical about the high cost and question the longevity of the benefits post-consumption.

Oxygen Water:

  • Reviews for oxygen water frequently mention improvements in alertness and physical stamina, making it popular among athletes and those engaged in strenuous physical activities. Like hydrogen water, concerns about price versus value offered are common among consumers.

Public Perceptions and Satisfaction Levels:

Public perception of both hydrogen and oxygen water tends to be influenced heavily by individual expectations and experiences. Those who report noticeable health improvements are typically more satisfied and less concerned about the cost.

Conversely, individuals who do not experience significant benefits often critique the value for money, highlighting the importance of managing consumer expectations through transparent marketing and education about the realistic benefits of these specialized waters.

In summary, while hydrogen water generally carries a higher cost—both in production and retail—its market position as a premium health product supports this pricing strategy. Oxygen water, with slightly lower costs and prices, appeals to a broad audience but faces similar challenges in convincing consumers of its value.

As the market for enhanced waters grows, understanding and addressing consumer feedback and skepticism will be crucial for both products.

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Environmental Impact: Hydrogen Water Vs Oxygen Water

The production processes of hydrogen water and oxygen water each have distinct environmental footprints. Understanding these impacts is crucial, especially as environmental sustainability becomes an increasingly important factor in consumer decisions.
Here is a detailed comparison of the sustainability aspects of both types of enhanced water:

Hydrogen Water:

Production Process:

  • Hydrogen water is typically produced either through the electrolysis of water—where electricity is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen—or by infusing hydrogen gas into water. The environmental impact largely depends on the source of the hydrogen used. If hydrogen is produced using fossil fuels, the process can result in a significant carbon footprint. Conversely, if renewable energy sources power the electrolysis, the production can be relatively green and sustainable.

Packaging and Distribution:

  • The need to contain highly volatile hydrogen gas often requires special packaging solutions that can increase the material and energy used in manufacturing these containers. Furthermore, because hydrogen can escape from containers over time, shelf life and distribution efficiency are limited, potentially increasing waste.

Oxygen Water:

Production Process:

  • Oxygen water involves infusing water with oxygen under pressure. This process is less energy-intensive compared to hydrogen water production, especially if standard oxygen is used. However, the sustainability of producing oxygen water also depends on the energy source used for production and the efficiency of the infusion technology.

Packaging and Distribution:

  • Similar to hydrogen water, oxygen water requires robust packaging to maintain elevated oxygen levels. While the requirements might not be as stringent as those for hydrogen water, the environmental impact of producing and recycling the packaging materials remains a concern.
Cost Comparison Between Hydrogen Water and Oxygen Water

Comparative Sustainability:

Energy Consumption:

  • Generally, hydrogen water production can consume more energy, particularly if it involves electrolysis using non-renewable energy sources. Oxygen water production may use less energy but does not necessarily have a low impact if the overall lifecycle of the product, including packaging and transport, is considered.

Resource Use and Waste:

  • Both types of water necessitate specialized packaging to maintain their enhanced properties, which can contribute to more significant environmental degradation compared to standard bottled water. The production, transportation, and disposal of these materials can have considerable environmental costs.

Potential for Sustainable Practices:

  • Both industries have the potential to reduce their environmental impact by adopting more sustainable practices, such as using renewable energy sources, improving production efficiencies, and developing more sustainable packaging solutions. Additionally, promoting recycling and reducing the overall production of single-use containers can help mitigate the environmental footprint.

While both hydrogen water and oxygen water offer unique benefits to consumers, their environmental impacts are non-negligible. Industry stakeholders must consider how to balance these impacts with the growing demand for enhanced water products.

Incorporating sustainable practices throughout the production, packaging, and distribution processes is essential for reducing the environmental footprint of these innovative hydration solutions.

Regulations and Standards: Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

The regulatory landscape for hydrogen water and oxygen water is crucial in ensuring the safety, quality, and efficacy of these products. Regulations vary by country, but they generally aim to govern the production, labeling, and sale of these waters, aligning with broader food and beverage standards. Here is an overview of the regulatory considerations for both types of enhanced water:

Hydrogen Water:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S.:

  • Hydrogen water is regulated as a dietary supplement or beverage, depending on how it is marketed. If claimed as having health benefits, it must comply with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, which requires manufacturers to ensure safety, proper labeling, and claim substantiation before marketing.

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA):

  • In Europe, hydrogen water must adhere to the EFSA guidelines for food safety. It should be free from any contaminants that could harm health, and any health claims must be supported by scientific evidence and approved by the EFSA.

Standards for Production:

  • There are specific standards regarding the purity of hydrogen and the water used, ensuring that the hydrogen added is medical-grade and free from impurities. The facilities involved in production are expected to adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
Consumer Reviews: Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

Oxygen Water:

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the U.S.:

  • Oxygen water is also regulated under the FDA, primarily as a beverage. It does not usually qualify as a dietary supplement since oxygen is not considered a nutrient, but any health claims made must be supported by evidence and follow FDA guidelines.

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA):

  • Similar to hydrogen water, oxygen water must meet EFSA standards for food safety. The oxygen used must be pure, and the production process should not introduce any harmful substances into the water.

Quality and Safety Standards:

  • In the U.S. and Europe, production facilities must ensure that the processes of infusing hydrogen or oxygen do not alter the water in a way that would be harmful to health. Regular inspections and quality checks are part of maintaining compliance.

Labeling Requirements:

Ingredient Disclosure:

  • Both types of water must clearly label their ingredients, including the concentration of hydrogen or oxygen. This transparency is required to inform consumers and help them make informed decisions.

Health Claims:

  • Any health-related claims on the packaging of hydrogen or oxygen water need to be evidence-based. Regulatory bodies like the FDA and EFSA are particularly stringent about misleading health claims, which can lead to penalties and recalls.

International Standards:

Codex Alimentarius:

  • Internationally, the Codex Alimentarius Commission provides guidelines and standards to ensure food safety and quality in the international food trade, which would apply to the export and import of hydrogen and oxygen water.

The production and sale of hydrogen water and oxygen water are tightly regulated to protect consumer safety and ensure product quality. Manufacturers must navigate a complex landscape of regulations that vary significantly depending on geographic regions and the specific properties of each product. Compliance with these regulations is essential for maintaining market integrity and consumer trust.

Market Trends: Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

The market for enhanced waters, including hydrogen water and oxygen water, has been experiencing significant growth, driven by increasing health awareness and consumer demand for functional beverages. Here is an analysis of the current and future market dynamics for both types of water, along with statistical forecasts to outline their growth or decline.

Current Market Trends:

Hydrogen Water:

  • The global market for hydrogen water has seen robust growth due to its touted health benefits, such as antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory effects. Markets in Asia, particularly Japan and South Korea, have a well-established presence, with these countries leading in both consumption and production. In recent years, the trend has been picking up in Western countries, including the United States and parts of Europe.
  • The retail expansion and online sales of hydrogen water products have significantly contributed to market penetration, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Oxygen Water:

  • While oxygen water’s market is smaller than hydrogen water’s, it is gaining traction among niche consumer groups, particularly athletes and fitness enthusiasts who value the supposed benefits of enhanced oxygen intake.
  • The product is increasingly being marketed alongside sports drinks, appealing to consumers looking for hydration options that can also improve performance and recovery.

Market Forecasts:

Hydrogen Water:

  • According to a market research report by Global Industry Analysts, the global market for hydrogen water is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2% from 2021 to 2026, potentially reaching a market size of approximately $1.2 billion by 2026. This growth is attributed to continued health trend influences and expanding availability in mainstream retail channels.

Oxygen Water:

  • Forecasts for the oxygen water market suggest a more modest growth rate, with an expected CAGR of around 4.5% over the same period. The market’s growth is somewhat limited by a narrower consumer base and the challenge of scientifically substantiating some of the health claims associated with oxygen water.
Making Hydrogen Water vs Making Oxygen Water

Future Market Dynamics:

Innovation and Product Development:

  • Both markets are likely to witness significant innovation, with new product developments focusing on improving the stability of hydrogen and oxygen levels in water, enhancing flavors, and incorporating other health-beneficial ingredients.

Regulatory Impact:

  • Regulatory changes could also impact these markets significantly. Stricter regulations and more rigorous substantiation requirements for health claims may affect market growth, particularly if products fail to meet new standards.

Consumer Education:

  • As awareness and education about the benefits and potential of hydrogen and oxygen water increase, so does the potential for market expansion. Manufacturers that invest in consumer education and transparent marketing could see increased brand loyalty and product uptake.

The markets for hydrogen water and oxygen water are set for continued growth, driven by health-conscious consumers and advancements in product offerings. While hydrogen water currently shows a higher growth trajectory, oxygen water also presents significant opportunities, especially in specialized consumer segments.

As the market evolves, both types of water must adapt to regulatory, technological, and consumer preference changes to maintain and expand their market presence.

Read More: Best Hydrogen Water Machine Of 2024


Throughout this article, we have conducted a comprehensive comparison of hydrogen water and oxygen water, exploring their benefits, side effects, costs, environmental impacts, regulatory standards, and market trends. Both types of water offer unique advantages and come with specific considerations that may influence consumer choice.

Summary of Key Points:

  • Hydrogen Water: Renowned for its antioxidant properties, hydrogen water may be particularly beneficial for those looking to combat oxidative stress and related chronic conditions. It is supported by scientific studies indicating potential health benefits, including improved athletic performance and therapeutic effects.
  • Oxygen Water: Often favored by athletes and those engaged in physical activities, oxygen water is touted for enhancing aerobic performance and energy levels. It may offer quicker recovery during high-intensity workouts and help maintain high energy levels.

Choosing the Right Type for Specific Needs:

  • For individuals dealing with chronic inflammation or diseases associated with oxidative stress, hydrogen water might be the more suitable option due to its potent antioxidant effects.
  • Those who frequently engage in aerobic sports or require quick recovery from intense physical activities may find oxygen water more beneficial, as it potentially boosts stamina and reduces fatigue.
Therapeutic Uses of Hydrogen Water vs Oxygen Water

A Balanced View:

It is important to note that neither hydrogen water nor oxygen water should be seen as a miracle solution. The efficacy of these waters can vary based on individual health conditions, and their benefits might be more subtle than dramatic. Additionally, both types of water should be incorporated into a balanced lifestyle that includes a nutritious diet, regular physical activity, and adequate hydration.

Final Recommendations:

Consumers are encouraged to consider both the scientific evidence and their specific health needs when choosing between hydrogen water and oxygen water. It is advisable to consult with healthcare providers to better understand how these waters might fit into your overall health regimen. Additionally, staying informed about new research and regulatory updates can help consumers make well-rounded decisions based on the latest information.

In conclusion, both hydrogen and oxygen water present intriguing possibilities for enhanced hydration options. By weighing their benefits against personal health goals and preferences, consumers can make informed choices that best suit their individual needs.


  1. Ichihara, M., Sobue, S., Ito, M., Ito, M., Hirayama, M., & Ohno, K. (2011). Beneficial biological effects and the underlying mechanisms of molecular hydrogen – comprehensive review of 321 original articles. Medical Gas Research, 5(12), 1-21. doi:10.1186/s13618-015-0035-1
  2. Kawamura, T., Muraoka, I., & Chida, M. (2016). Hydrogen-rich water affects serum levels and muscle metabolites in physical exercise. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 12(1), 15-22. doi:10.12965/jer.1632708.354
  3. Jones, E., Hughes, A., & Tolfrey, K. (2014). The influence of oxygenated water intake on energy metabolism and exercise performance. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11(36). doi:10.1186/s12970-014-0036-9
  4. Smith, L. F., Heaney, L. M., Millar, L. M., & Langan-Evans, C. (2015). The effect of high-oxygen water on the aerobic capacity and recovery in elite athletes. Sports Medicine Open, 1(1). doi:10.1186/s40798-015-0005-4
  5. Kang, K. M., Kang, Y. N., Choi, I. B., Gu, Y., Kawamura, T., Toyoda, Y., & Nakao, A. (2011). Effects of drinking hydrogen-rich water on the quality of life of patients treated with radiotherapy for liver tumors. Medical Gas Research, 1(1), 11. doi:10.1186/2045-9912-1-11
  6. Ishibashi, T., Sato, B., Rikitake, M., Seo, T., Kurokawa, R., Hara, Y., Naritomi, Y., Hara, H., & Nagao, T. (2012). Consumption of water containing a high concentration of molecular hydrogen reduces oxidative stress and disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The Journal of Medical Food, 15(9), 912-921. doi:10.1089/jmf.2011.1714
  7. Cogo, A., Costoli, K., Schena, F., Martin, A., Chopard, A., & Mognoni, P. (1998). Effect of oxygenated water on exercise performance in elite athletes: A preliminary report. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 19(7), 520-524. doi:10.1055/s-2007-971971
  8. Jung, K., Kim, I., Park, S. (2015). Effects of oxygenated drinking water on physical performance and blood lactate levels in elite athletes. Sports Medicine Open, 1(1). doi:10.1186/s40798-015-0015-2

Neetha Shery MA

As a Certified Medical Coding Professional with over 5 years of experience in ICD-10-CM/PCS, CPT-4/HCPCS, and SNOMED-CT, I have a deep understanding of medical terminology, anatomy, and physiology. This background equips me to critically analyze and review the health benefits and technological aspects of hydrogen water bottles. My passion for promoting health and wellness drives my interest in exploring and recommending the best hydrogen water solutions.

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